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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  November 29, 2010 4:00am-6:00am PST

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live, from the bay area's news station, this the kron 4 morning news. >> did morning everyone, 4:00 a.m. monday morning, i am sure allow the people heading back to work over a long holiday weekend. for we can expect in terms of whether, if you need a lot of clothing let's send it over to louisa. >> the answer is yes. very cold start the day. the temperature down to the '20s. here conditions making for colder temperatures. cold, dry afternoon, the next answer wet weather next week. first, current centers, freezing mark up in santa rosa, net of 31, 33
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fairfield, 31 livermore, 44 san francisco. you can see the sunlight, radar bring is clear conditions however quite a bit of cloud cover. off the pacific. midday, the front porches inter area, most likely going to bring some showers for the north bay. the weekend looks to bring a storm dropping into alaska's bringing quite a bit of wet weather. timeline, future cast said 3:00, still at the clock hour notice all of this purple, thirties, they're going to take a while to warm. temperatures finally starting didn't the 42 10:00, bringing in the '50s topping in their in the '50s are warmer temperatures will probably get out to the upper 50s. : but down bringing 33 back into the
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picture by the clock tower. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. today warmest temperature 58, most likely to the north bay as we had an toman of the cold morning as well a little bit of morning frost, wednesday best chance of rain north bay. we do keep a chance rain ran around city in the week and rate is the weekend. check and your commute, america. >> thank you, if you're heading back to work no problems to report nice, light conditions all are on the bay. outside bay bridge, westbound in these down. nice, light traffic along 80. headless records you towards the vacates note comes along the upper deck, nice come easy conditions 8- 9 minutes. san mateo bridge, nice, light conditions lots and lots of space between cars. taillights on the right hand side moving towards the peninsula and
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nobody but the toll plaza, lastly a look at the golden gate, sorry that camera is down. san mateo, nice car meets the conditions like this said. if you're heading out to this year, looks like they're road race are perfectly in the clear, i weigh 5080 indeed in all required changes. will. >> a high will be busy today because this i reminded. lots of people will be shopping book retailers and shoppers was your big today dahlin explains why. >> you are not defined in the door busters year but the internet is becoming a big part of the holiday shopping experience. more and more people plan to spend money on line. >> 20 percent of my shopping on cyberspace. >> for the present. >> 30-40%. >> that is why nine in
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every 10 retailers will have special promotions on monday. they know it's the busiest online shopping day of the year. in fact shot dr. 0 argie reports of 7 million americans fled to shop. >> it is the convenience of being able to get on your computer unit to go up by truck and shopping. >> many shoppers say they're saving money. >> i found some good deals. >> the roscommon offer is free shipping. but alatas companies are tearing out discounts to attract online shoppers. here's an example. 52 percent plus a free checked your ring. 70 percent of on overstocked. >> specific deals for several monday office depot is selling his notebook computers for your dollars.
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amazon, call of duty for for $15. staples $70. >> the monday before thanksgiving prove to be the biggest drop was dead as about 120,000 passengers passed to the airport overall it's a 4% increase from last year. dave guingona was at the airport you talk with prosecutors about how the t sa's new screening methods have made of affected them. >> moving quickly sfo as tens of thousands of people were coming or going for thanksgiving. in the several hours that is read the report i only saw one person who was asked to step aside and be subjected to a putdown. but of the dozen travelers are only two were brought down by security. >> i got stopped and putdown for the first time now
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really big deal but is the first time. >> * random is selected they said are the chosen because during the very big events. pants. >> at a new placement so i did not to over full budget that i didn't mind all. i would rather be safe than sorry. >> other people were surprised it has smoothly the procedures were handled after repeated warnings about the high in security measures. this woman to start from canada. >> this thanksgiving weekend i was expecting more security. i was very easy. >> it's a little longer but of nine it is wrong. >> of is your 2 johannes mehserle for both. it is easiest or done all year
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where traffic no delays or anything. >> irish ... for some of my daughter under be difficult there's a breezy. >> things have quieted down at three busy travel weekend. imports are traditionally even busier during the upcoming holidays. speaking of your the a final for rollerblades were going somewhere warm and europe but your ticket yet shove it skills are kron says don't wait. >> every day way to get more more expensive. the girls more than 4 $50. 21 percent higher than the average things giving fair. trouble on off-peak days to keep from paying even more.
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speaking want to avoid the busiest days to will be the most crowded and expensive wednesday and thursday before christmas and sunday and monday after new year's. the three investors to trouble are going to be tuesday, christmas day the trent affair and then jerry refers to the slowest days of early this these river in the us prices. another thing the factors that is bigotries most major airlines charged $25.30 $4. if you check to begs the could be rendered and $20 archer. >> to avoid those fees you can plant a few airlines that don't charge. >> generally does not charge for the first, southwest for a first or lost. >> trouble light private as a fitting your carry-on leave it at room. d u y rest of next month's weak. they
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were taken from wednesday evening news in the morning california highway patrol says officers arrested two and $49 under the influence. that's up from two under and seven. good news, no fatal car senses. coming up on the kron4 news of shooting that took place in oakland and the awesome national news about some major leagues in which u.s. officials are doing to try and contain that. heading up sudd, san as a truck lights still a lot area, it will be a very cold war morning but a lotmorni. 2@
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it is being called one of the largest lease of intelligence secrets on sunday they began publishing a quarter million sensitive diplomatic cables. the state department is in damage control reaching out to american allies mentioned in those files. >> tens of thousands of what
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once confidential documents now available online to anyone in the world. we chelates began releasing some to under 50,000 deaths from live it cables on sunday. the new york times had them. >> we tried to be very careful and make sure the names of sources dissidents is, others are redacted from these tables we're on the publishing abroad or hundred of them and it triggered the 2000. >> everything from back room deals to blood opinions on world leaders to daily conversations between the u.s. state department and foreign embassies. the diligence show u.s. government's secret dealings with other countries including the u.s. spying on its allies and the innovations. the white harris said there condemning
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the whether such actions saying it could rely is in danger. >> the people of hull plumber hands. >> three people a recovering after a drive by and san francisco sponsored heights neighborhood early sunday morning and run to a.m. near van ness and clay one car fired on another borough five-seven charts altogether please do not know what led to the shooting the drama or description of the car or witnesses. >> the man was shot last night in oakland is in stable condition as please continue to look for the suspects. it took place in the 5800 block. 720 last night. one man was under the single gunshot on tickets or hospital for treatment police are seeking one suspects in connection the believe he is still armed.
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not an amber light of this state is posting electronic messages on highways across northern california about a missing teenager. authorities are looking for a 15 year-old jean-marie. there are concerns over the case which prompted the unusual step of asking caltrops for all. investigators believe the teenager was taken on november 10th by her uncle. he was once convicted of child molestation. santa rafael police officers are recovering after the third is a man but a dim drove away from a checkpoint shut set up to kick people drinking and driving. he was arrested wednesday night on suspicion of felony, the drunk driving, causing injuries. >> the 43 road was headed towards the right chart point he stopped as s u b and rand into officer christopher sweeney. rodriquez was driving their license. a plan to put part
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of a former knick to a sovereign on display is on hold after the project took an unexpected snag. the historic park foundation wants to move a 65 t section of the layout to all the park to preserve the giant naval history. the severing hodge but the 1965 and was mothballed later. they discovered that the items developer needed to first do an environment to report. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news at full weather report with louisa in just a few minutes. before we get to louisa let's have as much for you albany very few headlights in that area you should have no qualms getting around. >>
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welcome back, adobe's surprised if next month begins a big fat pg&e bill because i know i have been using my heat for a week or
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so because it's so cold. louisa how long will we need to? >> at least the next couple of mornings in the currency very cold temperatures very similar to last week. we are shakedown into the 20s. temperatures for the most part are it in the thirties. 36 san jose, by noon 54, high temperature 57 dropping backed up to 39 by 8:00 p.m. current temperatures, we're still at the freezing mark in santa rosa, below freezing for napa, livermore 39, fremont 39. 44 san francisco, 37 san jose into around you. sulla, radar, shows clear conditions making for colder temperatures. clear skies, the clubs are not insulating us so we're going to see that he's gate tamara's
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well. changes in store by midweek expecting it to pressure on through at this point rain showers to the north bay. stable weather into the weekend featured as a duty to the tie line still continuing to roll onto 32 north bay, napa. riley up into the 40's there was water and up into the '50's as the head into the weekend. an afternoon highs expected mid upper 50s cooling a backdown even my 8:00 another cold night once again tomorrow here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. morning rustics are to continue the next couple mornings. wednesday best chance of rain north bay. chance of rain continues into the weekend. speaking to you are waking up to
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preconditions on the roadways and no problems, no accidents. in nice, light conditions. westbound 80 cars are sailing on by san mateo, same story. the span from zero westbound no blood but the toll plaza are clucking about the 18-14 minutes between 880101. westbound 80 albany, nice, light conditions making their way to the esker, no drums on the apollo laurie shore freeway drive times as golden gate clocking in at just 15 minutes. >> thank you, let's start about food safety the senate is scheduled to resume the debate on food safety today. the modernization act would give greater authority to test floor for a potentially
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dangerous things like the coli. and greater ability to recall contaminated food. there would also be able to issue food recalls more quickly. critics say the bill would cost too much and some consumer groups say smaller food producers should not be exempt. holiday gift-giving season is upon us, tourists come close, tvs are flying off the shells but what are you buying the real heroesdeals? >> we are in the u.s. customs facility in new jersey day in, day out the inspect and look for counterfeit goods. everything you see inside another and chairman as the man why has this shipment been so long? >> this is another
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examination of a shipment where people look devon said it was not quite right. >> year issues that the nike logo is an aggression or >> from my experience worked highly confident that the scenario. >> you attend examples here these are all vague. this one gets is my time about this this is mark brand x m x but it's really not when you take a closer look although it looks like imax mx if you deal with you'll see there as it can affect marketing. st. the bucks a cayman is a fake boxer it's an attempt to fool them by concealing them with generic branding. check of these batteries with get this and
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ended dreiser bunny. >> and is made to look like a chanel the lining is up. christmas lights could be a fire danger. speaking of dangers of smokeless cigarette lighter right? but put this rich switchblade. this cell phone is also under legal taser. in last year's u.s. customs seized $400 million worth of counterfeit goods everything from baked foods to this man's body wash. what about all the bogus items that make upon inspection that fled into the united states each and every day including clothing and electronics and toys. eventually you'll find them in stores or on the street. >> retailers call law enforcement and brand corners or working on worldwide. billions in lost
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revenue lost experts but mahler's the battle is far from won. >> we will continue to play this game of cat and mouse unfortunately for some time to come. >> coming up kron4 morning news world news and not with the crisis that continues increate. let's set aside to exhibit as the international airport it is going to be a cold, clear morning. so far and no cancellations or delays because you should also clear skies this morning. real regret.
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the u.s. is not backing down from north korea's threats over the joint military exercises. politicians are polishing china to help ease tensions, shall be lin has more. >> the u.s. and south korea military began four days of drills of the west coast of the korean peninsula. the exercises come in the first direct military exchange since 1953. no. 3 and immediately blasted the exercises warning echoed consequences if the operation topping. republicans and democrats both said the u.s.. >> what we ought to jews were doing now is not backing down in terms of hiring very legitimate exercises with the south korean government. we gave
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it manson murders. >> we need to continue we need to take a strong stand. china north korea's trading partners calling for a resumption of talks. mayor john mccain says china needs to do more to ring in aggressive behavior from china. >> they could bring the economy to the knees if they wanted to. >> they will keep the talks request in mind but they do not believe the time was ripe for a resumption of those negotiations with a report on all the 2008. >> a santa ana and as long as the center two days after a failed bomb slide in oregon is raising concerns of a backlash. they say was caused by arson he is accused of trying to blow up a van full of explosives. residents are still in shock after the failed bomb attack. did talk with
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residents to new the teenager. >> turn the pages of west well is both their work. . classmates say he call themselves the terrace, they thought i was joking. a classmate who did not want to be identified for closes of trees for physics project he detailed how a rocket propelled grenade were to >> it wasn't under of the ordinary it was just weird that someone would use that. speaking in an affidavit and trained muhammed told the fbi he been thinking of committing some sort of violence since the age of 15. >> i does give believe it. >> here falsified to matter over my scirocco. >> he said the eight americans. like love me in the eye like he was serious.
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his determined in life was to hate them. speech he was given a ticket counters or vaults of the was the end of it. mohammad started his freshman year at west you. he to across as part-time this road is engineering. mohammed did not force any radical views he recently grew reclusive and he was relaxed in his practice of religion. >> he did a number of things against religion he had a list of those against it. i can say that he was in a position to present. speakeasies scheduled to appear in court later date. coming up on the kron4 news we'll tell you about several monday and all of the deals to be had. san mateo bridge, trucks picking up just a bit as many people had blood from a long holiday weekend. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news,
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weather and traffic in just a few momentshad that from a log holiday weekend. we will be right back with the kron 4 morning news, weather and traffic in just a few moments.
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welcome back, live look at san francisco, it is going to be a cold morning, louisa says we will need your sweater and its jacket.eighth it jacket. cyber monday of course you guys know it here. experts project retailers and shoppers will grow this program. >> you're not going to find any door busters here. but the internet is becoming a big part of the holiday shopping experience more and more people plan to spend their money on line. >> 20%, maybe 40 percent. >> up by nearly nine in every 10 retailers surveyed was special promotions on server monday they know it's the busiest online shopping day of the year. in fact
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many are sites report about 107 million americans plan to shop on several monday. >> the convenience to get on your computer, you got have to go out, you're not to fight traffic, many shoppers say they're saving money. >> i find good deals. >> the most common offer is free shipping but a lot of companies are tearing at deep discounts to attract online shoppers. 50 percent off plus a free shipping an additional 25% of clearance items and up to 7% of on overstocked. >> to specific deals for server monday, office depot net book for $200. amazon is selling call of duty for for 15. staples is selling as hard drive for $70.
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>> one place to find some great deals smart phone your mobile device to make holiday shopping easier and cheaper. >> and they are off, the holiday shopping season is officially under way here that jingle that the sound of shoppers using smart phones to ring up deals. must cover items, said the has elves the use of mobile phone. >> customers are looking for deals. >> sturt simplify your favorite retailers for excessive discounts for fans of dollars. make sure you check in on gps like foreswear j.c. penney, toys r us a special perks for of holiday shoppers. >> we give you the opportunity they get a special jeopardy bench. >> to get the click of a
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shop in town that delivers rorts when you walk into stores. based on your area. >> amazons price check shops of the let's use dan bar codes in store. then daddy daly discounts from buying said it sent year-old the rise every morning. living social starts still plays of items december 13th. >> we help consumers buy gifts for loved ones. >> monday at see you can use to find deals long run to kron4, click on what's on the web under news links. >> louisa rhine of incurious i know that under and 7 million people shop were not bosses, i am curious as a boss ever caught somebody what's the reaction? >> , someone shopping.
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>> absolutely. it's very cold of the lesser of your stay warm to. >> clear, cold temperatures and the 30 same for tomorrow cool, dry afternoon heather was chance arraigned as we head towards the weekend. first #current temperatures below the freezing mark. santa rosa, no. come livermore at the freezing mark rerun fairfield 43 degrees for sears and discover ave. then it is up a temperatures into the mid-30s. thirties' driven the north bay, delta, livermore valley. still cold and the clock the are. warming it up into the 40's, resume '50s and the badger by noon. looks like today we tell the parents of fifties: back down into the 30's by the a cartel or,
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some of your numbers as we head toward the afternoon 50 degrees santa rosa, 56 number, concord. south bay temperatures in the mid- upper 50s. 56 degrees for mt. view, same for fremont. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. wishes this is a never couple of mornings very cold below freezing could bring as the morning frost. chance of rain by wednesday, best chance north bay. unstable wheeler towards the end of the week. checking a commuter aircraft. >> thank you, no problems to report in the media bay area, traffic is moving at a limit just check a live road sensors still in the grain. bay bridge toll plaza was buried several still keeping goodspeed's. metering lights as above. all lanes are open along the upper
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decks 8-9 minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze into fremont. >> westbound 92, no problems, right hand side of your screen looks good. trouble getting george foster city not tracking any backups, 13-14 managing 800 and 101 south bay no hot spots, all live look at trembled data that cruz. 101. no luck run these seven interchange just about 14 minutes from downtown san jose. in new incidents to report, over to our mouths, but highly 17th. they beat rick is blocking their right hand lane, slowing begins to acre. speedstebeginning to occu. will. 120,000 passengers passed through the airport. overall it was a 4% increase
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from last year. also going up d u y rest the or irs. figurm wednesday-sunday, officers arrested two of 49 drivers under the influence. that is up since last turturro of two injured seven. good news there have been no fatal accidents is. coming up on the kron 4 morning news more weather, traffic, news. speaking of traffic lights jury the james lick, barely in the cars on the roadway. we'll be right back.
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dutchman's covered everything every big issue over the past three years. >> the u.s. government is in
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damage control mode senior officials including secretary of state secretary of state hillary clinton is reaching out trent to assess the potential impact. a statement from the u.s. ambassador to icahn saying he and the secretary every chair to the president having said they assured their relationship continues and also pointing out the u.s. policy on afghanistan or any other country is not made by one cables coming from one official. the net is states is not specifically talking about any of those cables at least yet. there some to under 50,000 of them some have been released are ready some are yet to be released they're not making specific comments. they are condemning them on certain terms. the statements coming from the white house state
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department and the defense department diplomats or pointing out this is how business is done. the spokesman for the state department in its reed saying this is what diplomats do both for the united states and for governments around the world. they collect information, they said the back but they are not spies. >> one big question is how dangerous for u.s. policy could this be and how different it could be. others say that still has to be assessed. embassies with which i've spoken to say they are looking but those are commands trying to present how this affects those countries. there's more to be revealed, experts are saying individual information are be a lot of
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it was known. leaders of countries could be damaging it could be damaging in revealing u.s. policy and strategy. >> actor leslie nielsen has died. from complications of pneumonia best known for his roles in movies like airplanes. also the naked in bed. he acted in more than 200 movies and tv shows. he was 84 years old. >> willie nelson is living up to his own reputation, the legendary country musician was busted for 6 ounces of marijuana. officers said the smell marijuana on nelson, three people were arrested including nelson who was admitted that it was his pot. he was held for a short time before being released. as many as eight fire
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stations throughout costa county could close if voters reject a partial tax this year to cope with the $12 million in deficit this fiscal year the board must agree to put a measure on the june ballot. they plan to pull residents to gauge how much the public may object. student and community leaders rally at mission high school to highlight how the hell of an element released in education also known as the dream act would help young people contribute to society and achieve their dreams of higher education the rally starts at 11:45 a.m., nursing student stephen lee he has been in prison by
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immigration authorities two months. he was just days from deportation when dianne feinstein intervened. coming up in the kron 4 morning news awful weather track, and once again we will check the road race with arafat in a few minutes. sinner's a, 36 degrees it's only going to be a high of 57 today.
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welcome mat, for 40 3:00 a.m. this morning if you're heading back over a long holiday weekend when you had at the door bring a thicket jacket and some warm coffee. you'll need it. >> absolutely. temperatures are down into the thirties in most locations is a very cold cold morning. working on another one tomorrow.
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daly is to release for prayer. clear shot, a clear and really colchester to the day. livermore 31 degrees. by noon jumping up to 51 degrees. here's a look elsewhere. temperatures below freezing. 30 degrees in napa, the freezing mark in fairfield south bay. san jose 36. 32 fairfield, 36 monday. slow to warm still holding on to the thirties. the delta, livermore. most locations into the 40's. finally get into the fifties as we head into the afternoon. bringing it back
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down to the thirties. sir your numbers look like this, some of the warm response upper 50s. mid-50s to fairfield, vallejo also enter san rafael. 57 for oakland than the to the south bay. 56 from monday. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. we do have some changes as we head towards mid week, slate chance of showers. best chance into the north bay. weather is unstable towards the end of the weekend into the weekend. wet weather that continues in tears saturday and sunday. chuck and your commute. erica. >> to goto to go, creek project, bay bridge toll plaza westbound 80 nice light conditions your right
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to the grittiness bridge to the macarthur maze is about 17 minutes. you're right from the macarthur maze into from san francisco 8-9 manager. san mateo, no problems getting there was to get along the span nice, easy conditions. the drums to report city of san francisco. headlights heading south down towards the peninsula. 14-15 minute trip. the only slows on our radar is here toward santa cruz, highway 17 red after redwood estates, rightly is blocked. will. >> staying with the trafficking, drivers have had plenty of time to adjust to the new pricing at the bay bridge by the stanley roberts chose as their still commuters behaving badly. >> is been several months since suggested pricing went into effect on the bay
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bridge. and by now drivers should occur on the hang of using the carpool lanes. you know the lanes the required three passengers and a faster transponder. ok is 3:00 p.m. in the case just opened let's see happen. the driver of this trail is waiting at toll number to waiting to pay the troll. in toll booth #one another driver waiting to peto these are unoccupied news from 3-7 monday through friday. but wait a gets worse. but over a lane number to the driver of the target is determined to pay cash so she sits calmly and waits back over the toll was one a different driver shown here backing up but what about the driver in toll booth #2? she
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is not going to budge even with other drivers honking. until someone needs sticker cash. but the toll was once a driver gets there to talk to the driver there was backing up but he still wants to back up and change lanes. finally, a tollbooth operator waives the trader did to get traffic moving. however the driver in toll was one is still sitting there with cash and hand into allied toll taker enters the blues. then there are rather lengthy conversation if you think the driver got the message he dry server to me. >> you can't stop. >> five men slater and people still do not get it. in oakland, stanley roberts, kron4 news. speech stanley they could be taurus give them a break. >> with your comment or
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story idea e-mail us at golden state warriors' new owners have not wasted any time getting the nba's team financial affairs in order. just three days after joe lake took over they play more than $10 million. for rent and other fees your ears. officials say the team under the ownership stop paying its bills back in 2006. stanford football will mostly likely be in a postseason game. the e.c. s, has differed at no. 4. the top number of teams are guaranteed a spot in the championship. >> the raiders are playing for a winning record but could not get it done. rep
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tarski got to start over campbell to a intersection's defeating the raiders' 33 to 17. the raiders are 5 in 6 on the season. showing you some video from houston. audrey johnson and quarterback and again rejected after a fierce fight. look at that he rips the helmet off of andrea johnson who gets on the ground. starts during a few punches. the two were kicked at the game. there will be a stiff fine for both of them. by the way texas won the game. world leaders and celebrities are calling for action to seven tigers are frosave the tigers from extinction. >> a could be the last chance to save this majestic predator. despite
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decades of conservation efforts and by mental state the global population of tigers has plummeted to dangers lows. just over 3000 of the big cats are left in the wild. of hundred thousand a denture ago. this is an absolutely spectacular example of a female siberian tiger she's 10 years old. she lives here in his suit in st. petersburg, but also the city that recently staged an international tiger summit aimed at saving this increasingly endangered species. they fear is that and less to action is taken the on the tigers that was robert tigers like this and not to repeat. this of the pairing of the prime minister and hollywood actor leonardo to capriole as figureheads in the battle to save the species. he donated
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a million dollars to the cause and the prime minister has taking a personal interest in tiger conservation even being strung on television shooting a female with a tranquilizer. >> the tiger is on the brink of catastrophe look at the numbers. habitats are currently on the 7 percent of what they used to be the situation is sad. i tasted tragic. >> the world bank has criticized the funded projects that destroyed funding projects used to the summit for a policy shift telling cnn it would not finance and research like drove in tiger areas. bucking up local efforts. >> i hope the key difference would be that the tigers in these countries, we have learned the hard way is at says can mean well they have resources and good ideas but they will work. >> it's not just about
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protecting habitat coaching remains one of the biggest threats tigers. activists say a hundred and 50 skins are treated every year and tiger body parts are still in huge demand. had the delegates unable to put pressure on china to crack down further on that trade there's been a lot of discussion on the trade. china is one of the drivers of this trade. but other communities as well. we can't just pointed china they are major issue. that's been a lot of focus on the trade. as well as the demand reduction. >> tigers are a treasure. >> reducing demand has been the focus of another movie
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star jackie chan. the tighter senate endorsed a plan to double the number of tigers by 2022. few doubt the arts remain stacked against it. the great hunter of the asian forest is clinging to survival. cnn, tiger summit, st. petersburg. >> coming of the kron 4 morning news if you recently bought a lottery talk it there's an $8 million of your weather coming up we'll tell you where that ticket was sold if you happen to be there you are lucky person this morning. a live look outside san francisco, you can see it's 40 degrees, it is only going to get to a high of 54. full update in a few minutes.
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a million dollars super lotto plastic remains unclaimed it sold at the oriental market last week no one has claimed the attack
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but so far the winning numbers are 41, 43, 44, 15 and make a number of 14 the winner will have 180 days from the date of the drawing to claim the prize the clock is ticking if you happen have that winning ticket a flash model of carolers takes over a food court in never falls. take a look at the shoppers taking out a holiday surprise. >> (music) to flush model continued to go and in dozens of killers. it has been viewed nearly 3 million times are in reading the box office harry potter and the deathly hollows or one. part one of the final sons for is sunday debut yeah. it
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earned $50 million raising its total to two under 20 million. second place tie for first disney's tend goats. the animated movie about refunds will prove to be a huge success became an second. for the story to make 15 million. their advice the 3 d animated film make a mind world's fair is the voice behind the movie of finding himself court after beating his nemesis. >> coming up on the kron4 news we'll tell you about several monday all the deals and recombine them. let's have bedside sure you 101 san jose traffic is not a problem. >>saddam monday. when no one,
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traffic is not a problem.
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top stories we're following
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this morning at 5:00 a.m., cyber monday is here you can expect big discounts. we'll show you redefine the hottest deals coming out. thanksgiving travel is winding down we'll tie had to prepare for christmas travel and where you can find all of those deals. we keep leaks releases more classified documents what's in the files that has them any calling the move is dangerous. all those stories coming up before we get to them louisa to tell us what's going on. monday morning cold temperatures in most locations in the thirties. it is clear, cold start today. as we head towards the afternoon cooled. dry until mid-week we do less and changes in store. current temperatures, below freezing. 30 degrees to napa, 31 livermore, so
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big, monday, san jose 36. the only places seeing temperature in the forties to san francisco, antioch and half moon bay. future cast, 8:00 still holding on to those thirties' it is going to take a long time to warm up. widespread 40's. it now does all of the light blue, that shows us fifties. clean back down by 8:00, we should back into the thirties. afternoon highs, 58 degrees, of her fifties for santa rosa, san rafael, richmond. as we had done to the livermore valley temperatures and to the mid- 50s. fedex they get up into 57 degrees for san jose.
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here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. chances rain wasn't the picture on wednesday, overnight temperatures started to warm up a bit more clout cover overnight. best chance of rain for wednesday and to the north bay, chant continues as it headed to thursday, friday another storm moves into the weekend unstable weather is a wrap up the workweek. let's get a quick check on a commune with erica. >> of two pretty good start pre monday morning commute no major problems, incidents or hot spots to report. outside, was about 80 traffic is nice, light as you approach san francisco no way that the pay gates. debt * all looking did 8-9 minutes in the foot of the mes to fremont you drive from the carotene is bridge to the mes 17 minutes. san mateo, i we 92 in good shape, no problems to report lots, lots of space between cars. headlights heading
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toward the peninsula traffic and the left-hand side those bright lights making their way east added to hayward not tracking any back up of the toll plaza. 13-14 minutes between 82 and 101. the only incident due out to report is highly 17, stahl, pretty after redwood estates big rig is blocking the right hand lane not making much in the way of delays. will. >> on land retailer should feel encouraged if the holiday weekend is any indication. according to court metrics online merchants are 33% revenue jump on things giving new date. end a 16 percent of black friday. although websites have a strong opening weekend for today is their day. sellers are rolling out the stops on cyber monday. expect big discounts and free shipping offers to draws shoppers. nine out of 10 retailers
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will have special promotions. record 7 million people below plan on shopping this year. that's an estimated amount. specific deals for several monday office depot is reporting big it cells on their net book computers for about to enter dollars, the amazon is selling call of duty for for $15 and steeples is selling an external hard drives for $70. slick deals, you can see all of the deals to be had. up and down the key today is a free shipping. why pay for it today is the day. a lot of people held up by a shopping over the weekend because they know it's a big day today. rolling out the red carpet for all of us to try and get the deals including, 20 in.
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dealt ht elie de wide screen monitor further $80. loving: another website. to assure you that more deals out there just be patient, those places we will talk about that, have more on that next a roadside in the next couple of minutes. you can get more reformation on holiday shopping on our web site new details, and he was a rustle up in the bay area so far in this holiday weekend. the figures are taken from wednesday through sunday morning. california highway patrol says officers arrested to under 49 drivers under the influence up from last year's number of to hundred and seven. did news, note the fatal car accidents. california highway patrol will continue its
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enforcement through midnight. monday before things giving prove to be the busiest travel day at sfo 120,000 passengers pass through. around 110,000 are expected to travel today. 4% increase from last year. >> now that this is giving is behind this people are looking ahead to a troubling for the holiday. we spoke to an expert who says the average ticket cost more than for under $50. 21 percent more than the average. >> the busiest days you want to avoid because they will be most crowded and most expensive art thou wednesday and thursday before christmas. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. en monday after new year's. the three best ways to travel are tuesday the 21st, a christmas day the 25 than in june refers. the slowest
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days and probably the days where you will find the best prices. >> he went on to say if you have not buy the ticket you should get on the prices are going up every day. more than $100 your trip to depending on which airline to choose for checking a beg. the founder of we keep leaks say that published files is the ratio the u.s. dwelling on its allies. one of the diplomatic memo asked them to collect officials information. the new york times highlights documentation that highlights the u.s. and south korea are gaming out a class of north korea and discussing the prospects for a unified country. release of the document put at risk our diplomats. the state department has played down the allegations saying diplomats collect information. coming up on the kron 4 morning news much
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more weather, traffic and news speaking of traffic, the senate side entry the bay bridge toll plaza still very light that is our. you can see the current temperature is only 36 degrees. we'll be right back.
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joey came over to watch the game when the storm rolled in. in through the ceiling. i switched to mercury to save on car insurance, boy am i glad they cover my home too. they fixed the ceiling, replaced the couch, they even cleaned the carpets.
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wish they would have cleaned this up. you know, like a makeover. save up to 15% when you combine your auto with home or renter's policy. get a fast free quote at with the kfc festive feast. give yourself the gift of time twelve pieces of the colonel's hand breaded original recipe chicken. with three sides and six biscuits for only $19.99. have a so good holiday. you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] u-verse brings you entertainment across all three screens on your tv, smartphone and online. now get up to $300 back via promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible.
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a clinical aken 19 days. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. and looks like it will be sunny today, cold day still over next couple of days, 58 degrees in land is our high, anywhere else is going to be colder, unsettling pattern coming our way that we could see rain by the end of the week but we'll leave it up to louisa to give us a full update and a few minutes. let's talk about the market headline stocks are headed two or higher open after holiday shoppers gave retailers a weekend of strong sales. the national retail has estimated that 212 shoppers visited stores and web sites during the first weekend. up from 195
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visit for last year. municipal or higher because ireland agreed to a $90 billion bailout package. here's european stocks fell. the hero hit a two month low. wall street will have fresh data coming in this week including manufacturing reports and monthly jobless numbers. the senate is scheduled to resume debate on the landmark food legislation that a few city modernization act would give the fda greater authority to test for potentially dangerous things like = and greater ability to recall contaminated food. they will also be able to issue more recalls more quickly and inspect large processes more often. the bill will cost too much. smaller food producers should not be exempt. coming up, we will
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still see cold temperatures at their full check on weather and traffic and a few minutes.
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welcome mat, is is going to be a very cold morning this is a live shot from now but and mount them. contemn richer below freezing and only 29 degrees weather all over the bay area is a letter to what was this weekend. louisa. >> colden spot this morning 29, 30 degrees santa rosa, 31 for fairfield, 30 degrees and your livermore. amateurs and the low-mid-30s. as we take in the morning it is going to be slow to warm this morning of our crew will launch of the thirties even up towards 8:00.
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dominance of bay we're still holding into the thirties. 10:00, most locations should warm up in the '40's. as we head toward noon of his light blue actually shows as were the '50s lawmakers of snow. talk to get out into the 60s today, cooling it back down to the thirties very quickly as we head towards 8:00. the looks like the warm response getting up to 58, 55 degrees for novato. same goes for vallejo, as you head down to the south bay 57 san jose, 56 and your mouth and you end 57 oakland. we have some changes in store as we had to the next couple of days, tomorrow is similar clear conditions which of course makes for cold temperatures, by wednesday those overnight temperatures will warm up some and there's a chance of rain in the picture by wednesday. the best chance it is up to the north bay. keeping the chance of rain around for
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thursday and friday. and that's much of the weekend looks to be unstable and other system drugs and on saturday. although temperatures are warm and that's why we bring in the wet weather. 5:18 a.m. barakat. >> thank you, traffic seems to be moving up the limit a quick bridge check bay bridge toll plaza and no problems here coming from 580, 880, 80. the delights of, no drums along the upper deck. the same story all morning long san mateo bridge tunnel was batted these bound a couple more cars on the road. in making their way into foster city now tracking just a small back up at the toll plaza drive * being pushed up 14- 15 minutes to treat aids 0 and 101 along the upper east shore freeway traffic is moving to albany and a bit more company making your way to the s curves drive time
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is consistent 16 minutes just ask golden gate fields in two downtown 7 cisco, another accident throughout the morning highway 17 national accident but stol there's a traffic alert because they're right elaine is locked. public transportation, off to a pretty good start. bart, muni on time. the stain number one is seven minutes behind schedule. will. >> as many as eight fire stations that contra county it could close if voters reject a parcel tax next year. to cope with the $12 million deficit this fiscal year. the board must agree to put a tax measure on june or later ballot. they plan to pull residents to gauge how much the public may be willing to spend. here are some of the stations considered. walnut creek
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station one. pittsburgh 87. lafayette 16 and concord 22 and 6. police are seeking one suspect in connection with the shooting that happened last died in oakland. a man was shot last night in oakland around 1500 block around 7:20 a.m. he was found with a gunshot wound and taken to a local hospital for treatment. they believe the suspect is still armed this morning. three people recovering after a drive by and san francisco pacific heights neighborhood early sunday morning, around 2:00 a.m. near ben s. and clay one car fired on another. 5-7 shot all together. police do not know what led to this shooting the don't have a description of the car or witnesses to the shooting. california highway patrol is looking for red pickup truck in connection with the it and run accident involving a pedestrian. it happened yesterday afternoon in the city of martinez, the city
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near martinez rather. officers rather to a report of someone on a skateboard being hit on eight skateboard by car. he suffered injuries, and taken to a local hospital california highway patrol is looking for the suspects car described as 80,000 to read the chevy silverado pick up. 24 in. overruns, the truck may have been damaged on the left side. investigators are searching for a suspected rapist and palo alto early thursday morning a victim was rocking down on industry pushed down by a man who puts down her pants and try to rate per. the woman screamed, fought off the attacked her, he ran away. 61 in. tall, 175 lbs., late 20s and early '30's, short their hair and a it was a grim security. students and community leaders will rally at mission high school
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to highlight how the development relieve an education for the dream act would help young people contribute to society and it achieved the dreams of higher education the rally starts at 11:45 a.m. this rally comes in the wake of the case of city college and san resisted student stephen lee he was imprisoned by immigration authorities by two months he has been released from jail. he was just two days from deportation to perot when senator dianne feinstein intervened to halt his deportation. coming up on the kron4 news the latest world headlines, here's a live look at the other san jose, traffic has picked over that area so it looks like a lot of people already heading at or below long holiday weekend. i'm sure there cheaters are hard at work. only 34 degrees.
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salsa? ♪ [ female announcer ] the cleaner the counter, the smoother the counter. with bounty you can be confident you'll get your counter clean. in this lab test, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface 3x cleaner than the bargain brand. ♪ big mess? bring it. super absorbent, super durable, super clean. bounty. the clean picker upper. and for huge value, try bounty huge roll.
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it live look outside from the rooftop camera, it is currently 43 degrees. we're only going to see a high in the city. so the tree has canceled plans for artillery duels on the islands that was shelled last week by north korea. officials have said the exercise there was taken place to mark and a vice presidents to take shelter in bunkers. south korea and the u.s. are participating in maneuvers in the area here is video of those drugs such as korea launched drills from the island on the 23rd of november. no. 3 is said to them as a reason for its deadly embark later in the day that killed four south koreans. the tax an hour on have killed and iranian centers. a state television
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agencies reporting packers running on motorcycles attached bombs to the car's windows of scientists as they were driving into their workplaces and leased to other scientists have been killed in recent years. i ron suspects the attacks were an attempt to undermine their nonnuclear powers. it is never monday, big deals we will fly you where you can g to find saddam monday, we will tell you where to go to get those deals. checkpoint at sfo, live report we come back.
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and welcome back, they are it is seeing some cold temperatures this morning let's get a check on whether with louisa. >> it morning well, this morning plenty of the thirties. in fact some temperatures are down to the twenties. san francisco is
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one of the warm response this morning at 43 degrees, working our way into the 50s high-temperature of about 54 back then and the upper 40's by 8:00. cold morning temperatures this morning, down to about 29 degrees. and do the napa valley. fairfield, livermore and a degree above freezing. 36 for oakland same in mountain view. little cooler and san as a. really cold morning to much of the morning. he continues his there is to the delta, livermore and south bay. 10:00, widespread forties' notice all the light blue moving into the picture by the afternoon indicating '50s, let's rows they've wrapped in in eyes: a buy them very quickly bringing there is back into the picture. is
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going to be a cold one not getting into the sixties but we could-and get into upper 50s for santa rosa. about 57 degrees for oakland. 56 degrees expected firman view, keeping debt 53 along the coast or half moon bay. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. and other morning very chilly out there. below freezing temperatures expected once again tomorrow. more cry cowgirls' into the picture a little warmer. stay above freezing. we do every chance of some rain. best chance on wednesday. we will keep that unstable weather around the next couple of days. we could have a string of the unstable wet days. erica. >> rounding up the traffic cameras are not saying much in the way of slowing. a
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little more volume as to make your way to san francisco. live road sensors, once you make your way of the incline the ride is in the green. san mateo, same story no proms or incidences' deftly a buildup of traffic on the right-hand side of your screen. all but to our times are very standard 14-15 in the stettinius 0 and 101. no problems getting to the span in either direction. san jose, northbound you can see a bit more taillights heading toward santa clara. small back up on the 87 interchange 14-15 minutes as you make your way up toward santa clara. tracking that traffic hazard is is also about how we 17 right after redwood estates, blocking the right hand lane is a big rig. if you're taking
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transit you'll run into any problems on bart or muni but a strain number one is about seven minutes behind. well. >> online retailer should feel encouraged is a holiday weekend is any indication according to court metric online merchants sought a 33% revenue jump, and a 16% revenue jump on friday. although retailers revs sites have a strong opening weekend today is actually their biggest day. sellers are rolling out all the stops on cyber monday. you can expect big discounts to draw shoppers. nine out of 10 retailers will have special promotions today. reports that 7 million americans plan on today. office dt is selling some about
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computers for $2, amazon is selling call of duty for $15. staples is selling external hard drives for $70. you can get more information on holiday shopping at if you're stuck at the airport, busted your iphone you can shop there, we're alive then sfo where a lot of people are heading home after a long holiday weekend kron4 is jackie sissel is there to tell us how the lines look this morning. good morning. >> i am here at the american terminal at sfo the lines are not too bad rain now obviously this is one of the busiest travel days not the busiest over the holiday but a lot of folks stay over the weekend aside, and monday so it will increase a little bit over the thanksgiving holiday and sfo sought a 4 percent increase
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over last year there are more people travelling by air today they expect the hundred thousand folks or so to show up so far no delays sfo it is cold but we haven't seen anywhere there that would slow down the progress of planes coming are going this is a busy travel times. if you're traveling somewhere other than around the state of california use your protocol your carrier as you trouble across the country there may be delays. jackie sissel giving as a live report. the schering is behind is people looking ready to travel for the christmas holiday we spoke with an expert news says the average ticket during the christmas season cost more than $450 which
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is 21% higher than the average things giving family. troubling to increase your cross, the days you in a reuter wednesday and thursday before christmas and sunday and monday after new year's. the best days to travel is going to be the twenty- four's and christmas day. coming up on the kron 4 morning news, which he leaseiki leaks release more documents we'll have more on what's coming up. traffic has picked up a little bit and you can still see plenty of space in between cars on the san mateo bridge. another up the minutes. >> 2@
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save $523! 16 minutes could save you 16%!
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come on... isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers. more savings. and discounts up to 40%. where else you gonna get discounts like that? call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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laurie which he leaks founder is not discussing why he leaked to the documents he says that cables show the u.s. is buying on its allies and the yuan is turning a blind eye to corruption and human
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rights abuse. backroom deals with a neutral countries and lobbying for u.s. corporations. spokesperson kristin has been heavily involved in all of the releases. a close friend of the founder here's what a spokesperson at the state. >> we believe the public has a right to have access to this. not everything, there are items that we did not put up. these are non on the top assocation but these papers give a depiction of how the united states is supporting its public on behalf of the people. we are
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scrutinizing and zero partners. we're talking about a few hundred journalists. our media partners and i think we're in a position to do this evaluation. we have offered the state department what it is that they want to conduct from this material. they declined to cooperate. we live in the world is overly secretive. and i think it's about time that we start turning the tide is and then winding them. >> the white house has said release of the documents put at risk our diplomats. the state department has played down the obligations saying dough, as trent information
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which is our policies and actions. >> in chicago a man died after falling 50 ft. at happened while the bears were playing the eagles police say the 27 year-old fell from an upper level of the field landing outside he was rushed to hospital police say he died a short time afterwards. second death in a week after major is driven. last week a two year-old boy fell jury a lakers game. >> after leslie nielsen has died, of complications of pneumonia on sunday. nielsen is best known as his roles in an airplane and naked gun. he did more than 200 movies and tv shows. he was 84 years old. coming up, much more weather, traffic in news, a full update from louisa and arafat on our traffic conditions before we get to them let me show you the james lick freeway, you
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can see it is still light in that area we will be right back..
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welcome back, a clear shot that also means it's cold. we will continue to say: to the afternoon but dry that is until midweek that we have some changes to bring a simmering. current temperatures, 29 degrees. below freezing to santa rosa, fairfield, livermore. one of the warm response is downtown san francisco 45, off monday. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay., mt. view 34 san jose and los gatos. pretty slow warming today. 8:00, there these. the livermore valley and assess the valley. will
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warm end up and see widespread 40's. bring in the '50s and to the picture by the afternoon. staying in the '50s rear after new highs, calling it back down in really quickly into the thirties by o'clock. your numbers coming in around 50 degrees for santa rosa, vallejo, 54 the common number for san rafael. for the east bay, warming it up into the 50s. 56 degrees from mountain view, and los gatos. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. keeps his cool a another morning, tomorrow temperatures expected below freezing once again. a live morning frost of there. the cover, a chance of rain by wednesday it looks like the best chance of rain stays to the north bay. pretty unstable by the end of the weekend into the weekend. another storm saturday we could have another weekend with wet weather. let's get
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a quick check on your commute erica. >> thank you, wrapping up without any hotspots so far so good as you make your way around the bay area for zero westbound 80, the approach to the bride is the building. it is an easy role to foster city or hayward, take a look at san mateo, 92 looks good no problems to report. tracking a small back up at the toll plaza. 14-15 minutes between 880 and 101. san francisco, crosstown traffic looking good, san francisco airport, registry., sieur de no
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problems to report. >> officials from san mateo county are close to finalizing a deal on allocation for a new county jail. the examiner reports after months of negotiations the san mateo county board of supervisors is expected to approve an agreement tomorrow. it will give the county option to buy for industrial properties near high 101 there would be the site of a new facility. san rafael police officers recovering after a birdie say the man back into him to avoid a checkpoint set up to touch people drinking and driving. he was arrested wednesday night on suspicion of drunken driving felony causing injuries.
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authorities say the man was headed toward eight d y checkpoint when he stopped his as to be put in reverse and ran it into christopher sweeney's motorcycle. police say rodriguez was driving without a license. it's not an in berlin but the state has posted messages on highways across northern california about a missing teenager. authorities are looking for a jean-marie birling off. so far there that issued the alert, their concerns are the keys which prompted the unusual step of asking residents for help. they believe the teenager was taken november 10th by her uncle who was once convicted of misdemeanor child molestation. golden state warriors' new owners have not wasted any time getting the team's financial affairs in order the tribune reports that just three days after he took over the team earlier this month they paid
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more than $10 million owed to the alameda county authority for rent and other fees. officials said the team with the owners of krakow and stop paying the bills back in 2006. stanford football would most likely be in the ucsf championship. the top four teams in the ratings are guaranteed a spot in the bowl ticket should series. the raiders were playing for a winning record yesterday could not get it done you can see them rate their warming up. and that during two interceptions. the raiders are 5 and 2. video their we want to sure you're from texas, there was a fight over the weekend between two players on drew johnson and again. both players have
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their hamas of. audrey johnson gets them on the grounds. you can see the restaurant in and break them up. you better believe that there will be a huge fine for both players. probably as soon as today this is a serious matter it will lead them in the wallet. not that matters, texas won the game 20-0. coming up on the kron 4 morning news what movies made it to the top of the box office? we will tell you number one, two and three. before we get to that a live look sfo, it is not too bad especially if you as expected to be a busy travel day. we'll be right back.
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my mercury moment happened at the beginning of the 3rd quarter. joey came over to watch the game when the storm rolled in. in through the ceiling. i switched to mercury to save on car insurance, boy am i glad they cover my home too. they fixed the ceiling, replaced the couch, they even cleaned the carpets. wish they would have cleaned this up. you know, like a makeover. save up to 15% when you combine your auto with home or renter's policy. get a fast free quote at
5:54 am
whoa! [ female announcer ] no one likes a bath tissue that leaves lots of pieces behind. that's why there's charmin ultra strong. with a diamondweave texture that's soft and more durable than the ultra rippled brand, it's no wonder charmin ultra strong holds up better for a more dependable clean. fewer pieces left behind. business is looking better. it sure is. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong. enjoy the go. and for an extra-clean finish, try charmin freshmates.
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drivers have had plenty of time to adjust to the new pricing at the bay bridge but his kron4 stan richards says there's still a
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commuter's behaving badly. >> and has been several months since congest in pricing went into effect on the bay bridge. and by now driver should've got the hang of news in the carpool lanes. you know lanes the required three passengers and live castro transponder. allocate its 3:00 p.m., the gates to open, let's see what happens. the driver of this road is waiting at toll booth #2 waiting to pay the tall but she is not alone, and told #one another driver waiting to pay toll these are on occupied business from 3-7:00 p.m. monday- friday. but wait a gets worse. back over lin number to the driver of a trail that is determined to pay cash. so she says calmly and waits. back over the toll booth one a different driver shown here backing out. but
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what about the driver and toll booth #2? she is not going to but even with other drivers honking. so someone takes her tat cash. baguette toll was one the driver gets out to talk to the tracking them. he still wants to back up and change planes. finally, a tollbooth operator raves to the driver to get traffic moving at toll was no. 2. however the drivers still sitting there with cash and hand until a toll taker enters the boots. then, that they have a rather lengthy conversation about the new fast-track lanes if you think it ever got the mensches' hejaz or to me >> to pay. five months later and people still do not get it. in oakland, stanley roberts, kron4 news.
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>> speaking of the bay bridge, it doesn't look like there is any problem in that area this morning cars are just fine ontario at thousands of people had backed a long holiday recant a live report from sfo and a few minutes.
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